Terms and Conditions of Use

By using or visiting our website, hereinafter the Site, you as a user of our services expressly manifest your agreement and are bound by the terms and conditions of this page, as well as all applicable laws and regulations in accordance with current and applicable legislation for the use of the Site. Ticket Box, S.A. de C.V, hereinafter “Ticket Box and/or TICKETBOX®”, reserves the exclusive right to reform, delete, revoke, add, amend or by any means modify the terms and conditions of use of the Site, without implying any responsibility for TICKETBOX. Please visit this site page regularly. If you violate these Conditions, TICKETBOX expressly reserves the right to exclude any of its users from its website, for violation of the conditions of use, legal or administrative of the Site and, where appropriate, TICKETBOX may unilaterally and without the need for any judicial declaration, terminate any contract and/or agreement you have with the user, as well as, where applicable, cancel tickets you have received through the Site, cancel your order for tickets, and/or take the legal action that it deems appropriate to protect the interests of TICKETBOX, any of its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, employers, employees or third parties.


In this act you fully declare that you know that you are only authorized to visit, view and consult the pages of this Site for your own use, and that you must not duplicate, download, publish, modify or distribute in any other way and alter the content of the page, or the material contained on this Site for any purpose other than to review events and advertising information, for personal use, or to purchase tickets or merchandise unless specifically authorized by TICKETBOX. The content and software of this Site is the property of Ticket Box S.A. de C.V.® and/or its licensors and/or suppliers and is protected under international and national Copyright laws.

The sale of tickets to entertainment events and/or tourist attractions is regulated at the state, municipal or, where applicable, federal level. You may be asked to provide certain information when engaging in certain processes on the Site. You hereby represent and warrant that all information you provide is true, complete, and correct, and that you will update all information as it changes. You also acknowledge that you will comply at all times with the terms, conditions and laws that govern this service, and you agree to FREE TICKET BOX S.A. de C.V. FOR ANY LIABILITY ARISING FROM MISCOMMITMENTS COMMITTED BY YOU AGAINST ANY LAW, WE WILL COMPLY WITH THE AUTHORITIES THAT REQUIRE IT AND WE WILL BE ABLE TO PROVIDE THEM WITH ALL THE INFORMATION THAT YOU HAVE SENT TO US TO HELP IN ANY INVESTIGATION OR PROCESS THAT THEY MAY CARRY OUT. If we are unable to verify or verify the authenticity of any information or tickets you provide to us during any registration, order, purchase, ticket posting, sale, authenticity verification, delivery, access control, payment or remittance process, or any other process not mentioned here, or if we are unable to verify or authorize your credit/debit card or bank account information, then you will be prohibited from using the Site.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our “Terms and Conditions of Use” please feel free to contact us at: info@ticketbox.com.mx. By using this site, you agree to the conditions and security policies.


Any modification to these Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, will be posted on the site. Please check this page periodically for changes.